later news
Payments16th May
- Please addict your attention! The payments for MTB WOC are paid on the base of invoices which can be anticipate to be send on federations.
Entries are coming!16th May
- Entries are continuously coming. List of recieved entries is in the Entries section.
Accommodation27th April
- The accommodation category C has run out, so we would kindly ask you to make use of the other categories - B1, B2 and A.
Accommodation capacities24th April
- Accommodation capacities are booked for each team in the order of recieved entries.
It may come that any accommodation category will run out, so any other free one will be offered to the given team.
So don't hesitate with your entry!
Events calendar28th February
- The Czech Republic events calendar 2007 is published here.
Entries28th February 2007
Accommodation28th February 2007
older news